RECIPROCAL TRADE AGREEMENT CONTRACT This Agreement is between: Date______________ Station: _____________________ Address _____________________ _____________________ and Company _____________________ Address _____________________ _____________________ Contact: _____________________ [Station] agrees to furnish to _________________ $ in Broadcast time (subject to station policy) to be entirely run between ________________ and _________________. Minimum to be run each month is________; maximum to be run each month is ______________. Broadcast time will be charged at _________ on Rate Card in effect when broadcast time is run, and will be non-commissionable. Broadcast time accepted under this Agreement is pre-emptible, without notice. [Company] agrees to furnish to ________ $ in materials or services as follows: [specify]. Value received in material or services will be determined by _______________. Each Party to this Agreement shall render to the other a monthly Memo Invoice which will itemize time, material or services used by the other Party. Failure to do so will constitute failure to perform. Buyer agrees that his purchase, and if permitted by this contract, resale or assignment of the rights to broadcast time purchased under this contract, is subject to the station's right to pre-empt such time when the station determines, in its absolute discretion, that each pre-emption is necessary in order to fulfill its obligations as a licensee under the Communications Act of 1934, as amended; perform promises as to public service or non-commercial broadcasting in accordance with undertakings made by the station to Federal Communications Commission; or substitute broadcast matter of National or Local importance in the public interest. The station further reserves the right to pre-empt time purchased under this contract for any other reason, in its absolute discretion. Continuation of 5041 Buyer agrees that any time re-sold or assigned by it to advertisers, if permitted in this contract, will be resold: (a) On terms prohibiting further sale or assignment of the time, and (b) Only after written notification to such advertisers that all sponsors, products or advertising copy submitted for broadcast by the station are subject to approval or rejection by the station, in its absolute discretion, and advertising time may be pre-empted when the station determines, in its absolute discretion, that such pre-emption is necessary. ____________________ ___________________ By__________________ By_________________